Spiritual Realities
I believe, that whether or not we realize it, we are inadvertently aware of things beyond physical explanation. However, we have trained ourselves to be dismissive. It’s puzzling, but we are so complacent with the supernatural blessings that take place around us every day. The rain falling from the skies is only one example of such. Sure, we can rationalize the idea of precipitation through scientific knowledge. And please be informed, I have a high level of respect for science. I believe that their knowledge, for the most part, is a blessing from the Lord. However, that knowledge can only discover so far.
I want to discuss the topic at hand, Spiritual awareness. A baby that is conceived through the unification of two beings, whose body parts were created to compliment the other, is quite amazing. The miraculous perfection of effortless implantation in itself is enough to throw up your hands and realize that there has to be a higher power somewhere outside of what the creation can comprehend. Evolution is certainly not sound, because every THING, has a parent. The parent realm of this natural realm is the spirit realm. So who created the parent realm. Who is the author of it all? It has to be God. It is God.
The Holy Bible is what we (Christians) believe gives all the evidence that is needed. So why did God (Jehovah) create a natural realm? Why did He make human beings? Why place them on earth? Narrow that question down to why did He choose to include you In all of it? It’s because there is so much more to you than you know. You are part of a much bigger plan. They are hidden within the spiritual realities that God chooses to reveal. The bottom line is that He has chosen to make YOU a part of the big scheme of things.
I’d love to share more of this in detail with you. I have written a book called “Chosen to Witness His Greatness.” I wrote it intending to help others who suffer from experiencing things from the spirit realm but is ignorant of spiritual realities (through God’s word). I felt the presence of fear as a child whenever it was time to go to bed. It continued sparingly into my adult life. I concluded that if there is a presence of fear, there must be a good presence as well. We dismiss the dark existence as though it was the norm human beings learn to live with, and eventually accept it as a sign from God. Unfortunately, the signs seem to make you feel rejected. I explain more in my book.
“Chosen to Witness His Greatness” highlights the love that God has for His creation. It reveals the passion of God’s love for His chosen people and inspires the believer to want to know more by discovering it through the scriptures for him/herself. The reality of the spirit realm is that it exists, and is actively happening right in front of you. It’s beyond the obvious in the natural but is very obvious spiritually through the lens of God’s word. We distort it when we attempt to conclude man-made assumptions or “facts.” The TRUTH is inclusive of every spec that you haven’t even thought of within “facts.” Gravity did not prohibit Jesus from levitating off the ground; nor Elijah when a chariot of horses came out from the skies and swooped him up. And don’t forget about the dividing of the Red Sea! Discover even more in “Chosen to Witness His Greatness” as it inspires you to want to search the scriptures for spiritual realities!